History Blog

September 12

Happy Birthday RIP Maurice Chevalier(1888–1972) James “Jesse” Owens(1913–1980) “Barry White” (Barrence Carter 1944–2003) Paul Walker IV(1973–2013) Ian Holm Cuthbert (1932–2020) Peter Scolari(1955–2021) ; Linda Gray–84 Joseph Pantoliano–73 Louis Szekely(“CK”)–57 William Joshua Hopkins–54 Benjamin McKenzie Schenkkan–46 Jennifer Hudson–43 Alfie Allen–38 ; 1958 – Jack Kilby demonstrates the first integrated circuit ; 1959 – Bonanza premieres, the first regularly scheduled TV program presented in color. One of the first western format tv shows. Side note: Lone Ranger was the fist of the genre in 1949 nearly 10 years prior. It aired om Sept 15 1949.