Happy Birthday RIP William Clark Gable(1901–1960) Boris Yeltsin(Борис Ельцин 1931–2007) “Rick James”(James Johnson Jr 1948–2004) Sherman Hemsley(1938–2012) Joseph “Joe” Sample(1939–2014) Stuart Whitman(1928–2020) Isaac Donald Everly(1937–2021) Lisa Marie Presley(1968–2023) ; Garrett Morris–88 Sheryl Ann Fenn–60 Brian Krause–56 Michael C. Hall–54 ; 1884 – The first volume (A to Ant) of the Oxford English Dictionary is published ; 2004 – Janet Jackson’s breast is exposed during the half-time show of Super Bowl XXXVIII, resulting in US broadcasters adopting a stronger adherence to Federal Communications Commission censorship guidelines