History Blog

February 18

Happy Birthday RIP William “Bill” Cullen(1920–1990) John Hughes Jr(1950–2009) “Jack Palance”(Volodymyr Palahniuk 1919–2006) George Kennedy(1925–2016) Jan “Milos” Forman(1832–2018) ; Yoko Ono( 小野 洋子)–92 Cybill Shepherd–75 Judy “Juice” Newton–73 John Travolta–71 Vanna White(Rosich)–68 Matthew Dillon–61 Andre “Dr Dre” Young–60 Molly Ringwald–57 Jacqueline Toboni– 33 ; 1885 – Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain is published in the United States ; 1954 – The first Church of Scientology is established in Los Angeles by L Ron Hubbard as a cover for tax evasion. It is based on a fictitious book. It isn’t a religion and it has turned into a cult. Famous people such as John Travolta, Tom Cruise, Kirstie Alley and Giovanni Ribisi are members. The scam still exists for actors to get into Hollywood with signed NDAs that basically keep them silent. One exception is Leah Ramini who escaped and told the story of this cult.