History Blog

July 9

Happy Birthday RIP Brian Dennehy(1938–2020) Richard Roundtree(1942–2023) Orenthal James “O.J.” Simpson(1947–2014) ; Suzanne “Rogers” Crmpler–81 Dean Koontz–79 Christopher Cooper–73 Jonathon Tesh–72 Jimmy Smits–69 Thomas “Tom” Hanks–68 Richard Timothy Kring–67 Kelly McGillis–67 James Kerr–65 Courtney “Love” Harrison–60 Scott Grimes–53 Fredrick Savage–48 Kelly Mantle–48 ; 1962 – Andy Warhol’s Campbell’s Soup Cans exhibition opens at the Ferus Gallery in Los Angeles ; 1981 – Donkey Kong, a video game created by Nintendo, is released. The game marks the debut of Nintendo’s future mascot, Mario.