Happy Birthday Robert Englund–74 Harvey Fierstein–67 Sandra Bernhard–66 Björn Borg–65 Colin Quinn–62 Jason Isaacs–58 Paul Giamatti–54 Sonya Walger–47 ; 1892 – Chicago ‘EL’ begins operation (Elevated Trains) ; 1933 – The first drive-in movie theater opened, in Camden County, N.J. ; 1968 – leaving a ballroom at The Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles Robert F Kennedy turned to his left and shook hands with busboy Juan Romero just as Sirhan Sirhan, a 24-year-old Palestinian, opened fire. Kennedy was hit three times. He was taken to Good Samaritan and pronounced dead 26 hours later (today) after extensive surgical procedures failed. Robert F. Kennedy Community Schools was built and opened 2006 where the hotel was located and is 3 blocks from my home