Happy Birthday RIP Paul Stewart(Sternberg 1908–1986) Joseph Peter Breck(1929–2012) ; Neil Sedaka–86 William Hall Macy Jr–75 Kathy Hilton(Kathleen Avanzino)–66 Daniel Masterson–49 Noel Fisher–41 Emile Hirsch–40 George MacKay–33 ; 1639 – Harvard College is named for clergyman John Harvard ; 1781 – The planet Uranus was discovered by Sir William Herschel ; 1963 – Police in Phoenix, Arizona arrest Ernesto Miranda and charge him with kidnap and rape. His conviction is ultimately set aside by the United States Supreme Court in Miranda v. Arizona which found that his Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights had been violated during his arrest and trial for armed robbery, kidnapping, and rape. (Miranda Rights must be read to arrested persons by police)