Happy Birthday RIP Fred Rogers(1928–2003) Jerry Reed(Hubbard 1937–2008) Carl Reiner(1922–2020) William Hurt1(1950–2022); “Hal Linden”(Harold Lipshitz)–92 Martin Brian Mulroney–84 Shelton “Spike” Lee–66 Holly Hunter–65 Kathleen “Kathy” Ireland–60 Michael Rapaport–53 Dean Geyer–37 ; 1996 – A jury in Los Angeles Criminal courts convicted Erik and Lyle Menendez of first-degree murder in the shotgun slayings of their millionaire parents. (They are serving life sentences without parole in separate California prisons and aren’t allowed to communicate) ; 1997 – Liggett Group settled 22 state lawsuits by admitting the industry markets cigarettes to teenagers and agreeing to warn on every pack that smoking is addictive. They are mainly known for Chesterfield brand which no longer is sold.