History Blog

March 22

Happy Birthday RIP Leonard “Chico” Marx (1887–1961) Louis L’Amour(LaMoore 1908–1988) Marcel Marceau(Mangel 1923–2007) “Karl Malden”(Mladen Sekulovich 1912–2009) Stephen Sondheim (1930–2021) Michael Emmet Walsh(1935–2024); William Shatner–94 George Benson–82 Wolf Blitzer–77 Andrew Lloyd Webber–77 Robert “Bob” Costas–73 Lena Olin–70 Stephanie Mills–68 Matthew Modine–66 Cole Hauser–50 Laura Jeanne Reese Witherspoon–49 ; 1882 – Congress outlawed polygamy ; 1963 – The Beatles’ first album, Please Please Me, is released in the United Kingdom