History Blog

March 24

Happy Birthday RIP “Harry Houdini”(Erich Weiss 1874–1926) Roscoe ‘Fatty’ Arbuckle(1887–1933) Terence Steven McQueen(1930–1980) Norman Feld(“Fell” 1924–1998) Louie Anderson(1953–2022); Robert “Bob” Mackie–86 Thomas Hilfiger–74 Robert Carradine–71 Donna Pescow–71 Kelly LeBrock–65 Gabriele Kerner(“Nena”)–65 Starlet “Star” Jones–63 Lara Flynn Boyle–55 James “Jim” Parsons–52 ; 1896 – Alexander S. Popov makes the first radio signal transmission in history considered to be inventor of radio receiver ; 1900 – Mayor of New York City Robert Anderson Van Wyck breaks ground for a new underground “Rapid Transit Railroad” that would link Manhattan and Brooklyn