Happy Birthday RIP Truman Capote(Persons 1924–1984) ; Angie Dickinson(Angeline Brown)–92 Johnny “John” Mathis–88 Marilyn McCoo–80 Countess Roza-Marie Lubienska(“Rula Lenska”)–76 Barbara “Basia” Trzetrzelewska–69 Barry Williams(Blenkhorn)–69 Patrice Rushen–69 Francine Drescher–66 Eric Stoltz–62 Silas Weir Mitchell Neilson–54 Marion Cotillard–48 ; 1960 – The Flintstones premieres on ABC TV (Originally called “Flagstones” in 1959 pilot)
September 29
Happy Birthday RIP Orvon “Gene” Autry(1907–1998) Madeline Kahn(Wolfson 1942–1999) Larry Linville(1939–2000) Jerry Lee Lewis(1935–2022) ; Ian McShane–81 Bryant Gumbel–75 Roger Bart–61 Jill Whelan–57 Luke Goss–55 Zachary Levi Pugh–43 ; 1951 – The first live sporting event seen coast-to-coast in the United States, a college football game between Duke and the University of Pittsburgh, is televised on NBC
September 28
Happy Birthday RIP Seymour Cray(1925–1996) Edward “Ed” Sullivan(1901–1974) James “J.T.” Walsh(1943–1998) ; Brigitte Bardot–89 Jeffrey Jones–77 Jane “Janeane” Garofalo–59 Leilani Sarelle Figalan–57 Mira Sorvino–56 Naomi Watts–55 Lucas Bryant–45 Hilary Duff–36 ; 1951 – CBS makes the first color televisions available for sale to the general public, but the product is discontinued less than a month after its release . Later NTSC is adopted as the standard for video output. Approximately 1953. The standard color broadcast occurred in 1954.
September 27
Happy Birthday RIP Will Sampson(1933–1987) Donald Cornelius(1936–2012) “William Conrad”(John Cann 1920–1994) Francis Gregory “Greg” Morris(1933–1996) “Jayne Meadows”(Jane Cotter 1919–2015) Anthony Wilford Brimley(1934–2020) Marvin Aday(“Meatloaf” 1947–2022) ; Elizabeth “Liz” Torres–76 Shaun Cassidy–65 Scott Lawrence–60 Phoebe Price–51 Gwyneth Paltrow–51 Avril Lavigne–39 ; 1822 Jean Francois Champollion annouces that he has deciphered the Rosetta Stone ; 1905 – The physics journal Annalen der Physik received Albert Einstein’s paper “Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy Content”, introducing the famous equation E=mc² ; 1908 – Production of the Model T car begins at the Ford Piquette Avenue plant in Detroit Michigan
September 26
Happy Birthday RIP Francois “Jack” LaLanne(1914–2011) Patrick O’Neal(1927–1994) Joyce Jameson(1932–1987) “Donna Douglas”(Dorothy Smith 1932–2015) Richard Herd Jr(1932–2020) Olivia Newton-John (1948–2022) ; Anne Robinson–79 Linda Hamilton–67 Melissa Sue Anderson–61 James Caviezel–55 Mark Famiglietti–44 ; 1789 – Thomas Jefferson is appointed the first United States Secretary of State, John Jay is appointed the first Chief Justice of the United States, Samuel Osgood is appointed the first United States Postmaster General, and Edmund Randolph is appointed the first United States Attorney General ; 1960 – In Chicago, the first televised debates takes place between presidential candidates Richard M. Nixon and John F. Kennedy.
September 25
Happy Birthday RIP Christopher Reeve(1952–2004) Juliet Prowse(1936–1996) William Faulkner(1897–1962) Barbara Walters (1929–2022) ; Michael Douglas–79 Cheryl Tiegs–76 Anson William Heimlich–74 Mark Hamill–72 Michael Madsen–66 Heather Locklear–62 Beth Toussaint–61 Tate Donovan–60 Willard “Will” Smith Jr–55 Catherine Jones(Douglas)–54 Hal Harry Sparks III–54 David Benihoff(Friedman)–53 ; 1789 –The United States Congress passes twelve constitutional amendments : the ten known as the Bill of Rights, and the Congressional Apportionment Amendment and the Congressional Compensational Amendment ; 1957 –Central High School in Little Rock Arkansas is integrated by the use of US Army troops forcing the first desegregation of a public school after SCOTUS rules that segregation is unconstitutional.
September 24
Happy Birthday RIP Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald(1896–1940) Audra Lindley(1918–1997) Phillip Hartmann(1948–1998) James Henson(1936–1990) ; Kevin Sorbo–65 Antonia “Nia” Vardalos–61 Justin Bruening–44 Andrew Leeds–42 Grey Damon–36 Spencer Treat Clark–36 ; 1968 – 60 Minutes debuts on CBS ; 1979 – Compu-Serve launches the first consumer internet service which features the first public electronic mail service(“email”). Later the start of public access to Internet overall , web and ftp) where ISPs (internet service providers) that provided connectivity via TCP/IP to general public stared circa 1989. Before that the internet was known as Arpanet and mainly used by college and military institutions ( dot mil and dot edu domains are still used) . For example army.mil or Harvard.edu or Whitehouse.gov
September 23
Happy Birthday RIP Raymond Charles Robinson(1930–2004) “Mickey Rooney”(Joseph Yule Jr 1920–2014) ; Julio Iglesias de la Cueva–80 Mary Kay Place–76 Bruce Springsteen–74 “Rosalind” Chao( 赵家玲)–66 Jason Alexander(Greenspan)–64 Kenneth “Chi” McBride–62 Alexander Proyas–60 Anthony Mackie–45 ; 1846 – Astronomers Urbain Jean Joseph Le Verrier, John Couch Adams and Johann Gottfried Galle collaborate on the discovery of the planet Neptune ; 2002 – The first public version of the web browser Mozilla Firefox (“Phoenix 0.1”) is released which was based on Gecko and HTML4 and successor to Netscape Navigator. The first Internet browser was Mosaic, released in 1993 developed by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In 1994 Netscape Navigator was released followed by Internet Explorer in 1995 also based on the same core code as mosaic.
September 22
Happy Birthday RIP Erich von Stroheim(1885–1957) Martha Scott(1912–2003) John Houseman(Jacques Haussmann 1902–1988) Thomas “Tommy” Lasorda 1927–2021) ; Antonia Basilotta(“Toni Basil”)–80 David Coverdale–72 Shari Belafonte–69 Deborah “Debby” Boone–67 Joan Jett(Larkin)–65 Bonnie Hunt–62 Laura Vandervoort–39 ; 1888 – The first issue of National Geographic Magazine is published.
September 21
Happy Birthday RIP Charles Martin “Chuck” Jones(1912–2002) “Henry Gibson”(James Bateman 1935–2009) Larry Hagman(1931–2012) ; William “Bill” Kuretich(“Kurtis”)–83 “Fannie Flagg”(Patricia Neal)–79 Stephen King–76 William “Bill” Murray–73 Ethan Coen–66 Robert Morrow–61 “Faith Hill”(Audrey Perry)–56 Ricki Lake–55 Billy Porter–54 Lucas “Luke” Wilson–52 Nicole Richie(Escovedo)–42 Maggie Grace Denig–40 ; 1957 – “Perry Mason,” starring Raymond Burr, premiered on CBS.