History Blog

December 31

Happy Birthday RIP Henri Matisse(1869–1954) Elizabeth Arden(1878–1966) “John Denver”(Henry Deutschendorf Jr 1943–1997) “Donna Summer”(LaDonna Gaines 1949–2012) ; Sir Philip Anthony Hopkins–86 “Ben Kingsley”(Krishna Bhanji)–80 Diane Von Furstenberg(Diana Halfin)–77 Timothy Matthieson–76 Beatrice “Bebe” Neuwirth–65 Val Kilmer–64 Michael McDonald–59 Joseph “Joey” McIntyre–51 ; 1907 – The first New Year’s Eve celebration is held in Times Square (then known as Longacre Square) in Manhattan. ; 1983 – The AT&T Bell System is broken up by the United States Government due to antitrust laws. ; 2021 – Beloved actress and Golden Girl Betty White dies at 99 only a few weeks before her birthday.