History Blog

July 1

Happy Birthday RIP “Estée Lauder”(Josephine Mentzer 1906–2004) Sydney Pollack(1934–2008) Princess Diana Spencer(1961–1997) Olivia de Havilland(1916–2020) ; “Jamie Farr”(Jameel Farah)–89 Deborah Harry”(Angela Tremble)–78 Daniel Aykroyd–71 Brian George–71 Alan Ruck–67 Dale Midkiff–64 Evelyn King–63 Pamela Anderson–56 Melissa “Missy” Elliott–52 Liv Tyler(Rundgren)–46 Tegan Lauren-Hannah Murray–34 ; 1931 – United Airlines begins service (as Boeing Air Transport) ; 1963 – ZIP codes are introduced for United States mail ; 1979 – Sony introduces the Walkman ; 1984 – The PG-13 rating is introduced by the MPAA.