Happy Birthday RIP Christopher Reeve(1952–2004) Juliet Prowse(1936–1996) William Faulkner(1897–1962) ; Barbara Walters–92 Michael Douglas–77 Cheryl Tiegs–74 Anson William Heimlich–72 Mark Hamill–70 Michael Madsen–64 Heather Locklear–60 Beth Toussaint–59 Tate Donovan–58 Willard “Will” Smith Jr–53 Catherine Jones(Douglas)–52 Hal Harry Sparks III–52 David Benihoff(Friedman)–51 ; 1789 –The United States Congress passes twelve constitutional amendments : the ten known as the Bill of Rights, and the Congressional Apportionment Amendment and the Congressional Compensational Amendment 1957 – Central High School in Little Rock Arkansas is integrated by the use of US Army troops forcing the first desegregation of a public school after SCOTUS rules that segregation is unconstitutional.